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Graduate Students
Projects associated with graduate student development have focused on four areas; equitable access/pathways (NIH and NSF), educational outreach (NSF-GK-12), interdisciplinary projects (NSF IGERT and NRT) and experience as part of focused-research communities (NSF EPSCoR, DOE). Our evaluations have focused on student development, efficacy of program activities and infrastructure, institutional change and emerging national trends. Currently, we are co-leading an effort to understand CS Ed PhD pathways.
NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Engineering PLUS (Partnerships Launching Underrepresented Students) | Northeastern University | 2021 | National Science Foundation | Northeastern University, National Science Foundation, INCLUDES, 2119930 |
Catalyzing Transformative Change in STEM Education through an Institute for Inclusive Pedagogy | Massachusetts Bay Community College | 2021 | National Science Foundation | Massachusetts Bay Community College, National Science Foundation, IUSE, 2110684 |
Genentech Foundation Grant | San Francisco State University | 2019 | Genentech Foundation | San Francisco State University, Genentech Foundation |
Project VIABLE (Visual Impairment and Applied Behavior Learning Experiences) | University of Alabama Huntsville | 2019 | DOEd | University of Alabama Huntsville, DOEd, H325K19005 |
Genentech Foundation Grant | San Francisco State University | 2019 | Genentech Foundation | San Francisco State University, Genentech Foundation |
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Growing Computer Science Education as a Discipline: Pathways to PhDs | SageFox | 2019 | NSF | SageFox, NSF, 1939265 |
National Leadership Consortium in Sensory Disabilities | Salus University | 2017 | DOEd | Salus University, DOEd, H325H140002 |
RII Track-2 FEC: Neural Basis of Attention | Dartmouth College | 2016 | NSF | Dartmouth College, NSF, 1632738 |
National Leadership Consortium in Sensory Disabilities | Salus University | 2015 | DOEd | Salus University, DOEd, H325H140002 |
IGERT: Bioinnovation through the development of novel biological delivery technologies | Tulane Univeristy | 2013 | NSF | Tulane Univeristy, NSF, IGERT, Entrepreneurship, Translational research, Graduate Students, Grad student support, 1144646 |
IGERT: Soft Material Robotics Program | Tufts University | 2013 | NSF | Tufts University, NSF, IGERT, Engineering, Biology, Graduate Students, Grad student support, 1144591 |
R25 IMSD Minority Biomedical Research Support Program (MBRS) | Rutgers University | 2011 | NIH | Rutgers University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical and Behavioral Fields, Graduate Students, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 1R25GM096161-01 |
San Francisco State University MBRS-RISE Program | San Francisco State University | 2011 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, MBRS-RISE, R25GM059298-14 |
Program Evaluation of NSF’s Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) Program | Abt Associates, Inc. | 2011 | NSF | Abt Associates, Inc., NSF, Prime Contract GS-10F-0086K |
San Francisco State University MBRS-RISE Program | San Francisco State University | 2011 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, Graduate Students, TWD, 2R25GM059298-13 |
San Francisco State University MA-MS/PhD Bridge to the Future | San Francisco State University | 2010 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, Graduate Students, TWD, 2R25GM048972-11 |
GK-12: Fostering Scientific Creativity by Building Connections and Improving Science Communication Skills | Dartmouth College | 2010 | NSF | Dartmouth College, NSF, GK-12, STEM, Outreach, Graduate Students, GK-12, 0947790 |
GK-12: Vibes and Waves in Action | UMass Lowell | 2009 | NSF | UMass Lowell, NSF, GK-12, Engineering, Graduate Students, GK-12, 0841392 |
Creating Momentum through Communicating Mathematics | San Francisco State University | 2009 | NSF | San Francisco State University, NSF, GK-12, Math, Graduate Students, GK-12, 0841164 |
San Francisco State University MBRS-RISE Program | San Francisco State University | 2007 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, Graduate Students, TWD, 2R25GM059298-09 |
GK-12: Physical Processes in the Environment | Brown University | 2007 | NSF | Brown University, NSF, GK-12, Physics, Graduate Students, GK-12, 0608688 |
San Francisco State University PREP Project | San Francisco State University | 2006 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, Post-baccalaureates, TWD |
San Francisco State University MA-MS/PhD Bridge to the Future | San Francisco State University | 2005 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, Graduate Students, TWD, 5R25GM048972-06 |
IGERT: Research and Innovation in Nanoscale Device Development | UMass Amherst | 2005 | NSF | UMass Amherst, NSF, IGERT, Nanotechnology, Entrepreneurship, Graduate Students, Grad student support, 0504485 |
Track 2, GK-12: Northeastern University GK-12 PLUS: Partners Learning in Urban Settings | Northeastern University | 2004 | NSF | Northeastern University, NSF, GK-12, STEM, Graduate Students, GK-12, 0338255 |
Yale / New Haven Public Schools Graduate K-12 Fellows Project | Yale University | 2004 | NSF | Yale University, NSF, GK-12, STEM, Graduate Students, GK-12, 0231832 |
NIH MORE Research and Evaluation of Students Using Long-Term Studies | California State University | 2004 | NIH | California State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical fields, Research, 4-yr Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Research |
Harvard / Cambridge Public Schools Graduate K-12 Fellows Project | Harvard University | 2004 | NSF | Harvard University, NSF, GK-12, STEM, Graduate Students, GK-12, 0086387 |
Peabody Fellows Biodiversity and Human Health Program | Yale University | 2004 | NIH & IMLS | Yale University, NIH & IMLS, SEPA, Biomedical Sciences, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD, 5R25RR015623-04 |
Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation | San Francisco State University | 2003 | NSF | San Francisco State University, NSF, LSAMP, STEM, Graduate Students, TWD |
Building a Curriculum in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management at UMass Amherst | UMass Amherst | 2003 | NCIIA | UMass Amherst, NCIIA, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, 4-yr Undergraduates, Curriculum development |
San Francisco State University PREP Project | San Francisco State University | 2002 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, Post-baccalaureates, TWD |
San Francisco State University MBRS-RISE Program | San Francisco State University | 2002 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, Graduate Students, TWD, 5R25GM059298-04 |
San Francisco State University MA-MS/PhD Bridge to the Future | San Francisco State University | 2002 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, Graduate Students, TWD, 5R25GM048972-06 |
San Francisco State University / San Francisco Unified School District Graduate K-12 Fellows Project | San Francisco State University | 2001 | NSF | San Francisco State University, NSF, GK-12, STEM, Graduate Students, GK-12, 0086467 |
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