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Our K-12 focused efforts have primarily been associated with projects that address change through policy and teacher professional development. Most recently these efforts have been connected with work that is striving to bring high quality CS education equitably to primary and secondary schools (see RPPforCS and ECEP).
Program Evaluation of the Digital Literacy Now Grant | SageFox | 2021 | Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | SageFox, Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, - |
NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Engineering PLUS (Partnerships Launching Underrepresented Students) | Northeastern University | 2021 | National Science Foundation | Northeastern University, National Science Foundation, INCLUDES, 2119930 |
BPC-AE: Equity in Computing Education Policies, Pathways, and Practices (ECEP 3) | University of Texas at Austin | 2021 | National Science Foundation | University of Texas at Austin, National Science Foundation, BPC-AE, 2137834 |
Catalyzing Transformative Change in STEM Education through an Institute for Inclusive Pedagogy | Massachusetts Bay Community College | 2021 | National Science Foundation | Massachusetts Bay Community College, National Science Foundation, IUSE, 2110684 |
EAGER: Hindsight 2020: The Impact of Covid 19 on Delivery of Computer Science Teacher Professional Development | SageFox | 2020 | NSF | SageFox, NSF, EAGER, , , , 2039175 |
A Research-Practice Partnership to Design, Implement, Assess, and Scale Integrated CS Curricula in K-5 Classrooms (CS4All-RPP-Springfield) | UMass Amherst | 2018 | NSF | UMass Amherst, NSF, 1837086 |
Accelerating Women's Success and Mastery in CS (AWSM in CS) | University of Texas at Austin | 2018 | NSF | University of Texas at Austin, NSF, 1837602 |
A Scalable RPP for Preparing and Supporting Teachers to Teach Culturally Responsive and Rigorous CS Courses in SC High Schools | Clemson University | 2017 | NSF | Clemson University, NSF, 1738760 |
Westminster Center for Teaching, Atlanta K-12 Design Challenge (AK12DC) | Fulton County Schools | 2015 | R. Howards Dobbs Jr. Foundation, The Westminster Schools, Lovett Schools, Fulton County Schools | Fulton County Schools, R. Howards Dobbs Jr. Foundation, The Westminster Schools, Lovett Schools, Fulton County Schools |
STEP Academy | Gwinnett County Schools | 2015 | GOSA | Gwinnett County Schools, GOSA, Race to the Top, K-12 Students, Dropout prevention |
Fulton County Schools : Pilot to Purchase Study | Fulton County Schools | 2015 | Digital Promise | Fulton County Schools, Digital Promise |
Innovation Fund Conference Presentation | Governor's Office of Student Achievement | 2015 | GOSA | Governor's Office of Student Achievement, GOSA |
Transforming STEM Education through Leader and Teacher Development | Gwinnett County Schools | 2015 | GOSA | Gwinnett County Schools, GOSA, Race to the Top, STEM, K-12 Administrators |
Gwinnett Math Science Partnership | Gwinnett County Schools | 2014 | Georgia Dept of Ed | Gwinnett County Schools, Georgia Dept of Ed, MSP, STEM, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
STEP Academy | Gwinnett County Public Schoools | 2014 | Governors Office of Student Acheivement | Gwinnett County Public Schoools, Governors Office of Student Acheivement |
Liberty Math/Sci Partnership - Project RAMP (Raising Academic Measures of Progress) | Liberty County Schools | 2014 | Georgia DOEd | Liberty County Schools, Georgia DOEd, MSP, STEM, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
Large Partnership Enterprise Grant for a STEM Targeted Instructional Program | Gwinnett County Public Schoools | 2014 | Georgia Office of Planning and Budget (Race to the Top Funds) | Gwinnett County Public Schoools, Georgia Office of Planning and Budget (Race to the Top Funds), Race to the Top, K-12 Students, Dropout prevention |
DukeMed Activated | Duke University | 2014 | NIH | Duke University, NIH, SEPA, Biomedical fields, K-12 Students, Curriculum development, 1R25OD010519-01A1 |
Macon County MSP | Macon County Public Schools | 2014 | Georgia DOEd | Macon County Public Schools, Georgia DOEd, MSP, STEM, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
Student Applied Learning, New Teacher Induction and Staff Leadership Program - Great Teachers and Leaders | Clayton County Schools | 2013 | GOSA | Clayton County Schools, GOSA, Race to the Top funds, Leadership, General PD, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
High Calling | Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement, Inc. | 2013 | DOEd | Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement, Inc., DOEd, SLP, Leadership, K-12 Principals, Administrator PD, U363A130124 |
Applied Learning Student Questionnaire (ALSQ) | Governor's Office of Student Achievement | 2013 | GOSA | Governor's Office of Student Achievement, GOSA, Race to the Top, STEM, K-12 Students, Instrument development |
Math and Science Endorsement Cohorts | Gwinnett County Schools | 2013 | Georgia DOEd | Gwinnett County Schools, Georgia DOEd, MSP, STEM, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
Computational Thinking: 21st Century STEM Problem-Solving Skills for Georgia Students | Georgia Institute of Technology | 2013 | Georgia Office of Planning and Budget | Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Office of Planning and Budget, Race to the Top, STEM, K-12 Students, K-12 Teachers, Curriculum development, Teacher PD |
Large Partnership Enterprise Grant for a STEM Targeted Instructional Program | Gwinnett County Schools | 2013 | Georgia Office of Planning and Budget | Gwinnett County Schools, Georgia Office of Planning and Budget, Race to the Top, K-12 Students, Dropout prevention |
Connecticut Pathways to Innovation & Design 21 | Education Connection | 2013 | NSF | Education Connection, NSF, 1304609 |
Computer Science for High School | UMass Lowell | 2011 | Google | UMass Lowell, Google, Computer Science, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
21st Century STEM Collaborations | Barrow County Schools | 2011 | Georgia Office of Planning and Budget | Barrow County Schools, Georgia Office of Planning and Budget, Race to the Top |
Collaborative Research: CI-TEAM Demo: Harnessing Cyberinfrastructure for K-12 STEM Education | UMass Amherst | 2011 | NSF | UMass Amherst, NSF, CI-TEAM, Computer Science, K-12 Students, K-12 Teachers, Module development, 1135548 |
Rowan Computer Science for High School | Rowan University | 2011 | Google | Rowan University, Google, Computer Science, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
Middle School STEM Galaxy Project | Liberty County Board of Education | 2011 | DOD | Liberty County Board of Education, DOD, Promoting K-12 Student Achievement at Military-Connected Schools |
Springfield Teaching American History Program 4 | Springfield Public Schools | 2008 | DOEd | Springfield Public Schools, DOEd, TAH, Social Studies, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
RITES: Rhode Island Technology Enhanced Science Program | University of Rhode Island | 2008 | NSF | University of Rhode Island, NSF, MSP, STEM, K-12 Students, K-12 Teachers, STEM Alliance, 0831974 |
Boston Science Partnership Supplemental | UMass Boston | 2006 | NSF | UMass Boston, NSF, MSP, STEM, 2-yr Undergraduates, 4-yr Undergraduates, STEM Alliance, 0412390 |
Springfield Teaching American History Program 3 | Springfield Public Schools | 2006 | DOEd | Springfield Public Schools, DOEd, TAH, Social Studies, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
The Peabody Fellows Biodiversity & Global Change Program | Yale University | 2005 | IMLS | Yale University, IMLS, Biomedical Sciences, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
Commonwealth Information Technology Initiative: K-12 | UMass Amherst | 2004 | Mass. Dept. of Ed | UMass Amherst, Mass. Dept. of Ed, Computer Science, K-12 Students, STEM Alliance |
The National Aeolian Detritus Project | University of Rhode Island | 2004 | NSF | University of Rhode Island, NSF, GEO, Geology, K-12 Students, 4-yr Undergraduates, Module Development, 0331168 |
Project RISE Up for CS | Georgia Institute of Technology | Google | Georgia Institute of Technology, Google |
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