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Teacher Professional Development
Reaching students with high quality educational interventions rely on well prepared teachers. Many of our projects concern the evaluation of teacher professional development, particularly in new and emerging fields such as innovation and entrepreneurship or computer science education. Evaluation of teacher PD programs involves both the immediate feedback about participant experiences and relevance of the PD but also longer term impact on the teaching and learning that happens in the classroom in the context of the broader environmental and systemic issues associated with the schools and districts.
Computational Thinking Funds of Knowledge: A Culturally-Relevant Assessment for Early Elementary Students | University of Massachusetts,Amherst | 2021 | National Science Foundation | ACTIVE |
Program Evaluation of the Digital Literacy Now Grant | SageFox | 2021 | Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | ACTIVE |
Catalyzing Transformative Change in STEM Education through an Institute for Inclusive Pedagogy | Massachusetts Bay Community College | 2021 | National Science Foundation | ACTIVE |
A Research-Practice Partnership to Design, Implement, Assess, and Scale Integrated CS Curricula in K-5 Classrooms (CS4All-RPP-Springfield) | UMass Amherst | 2018 | NSF | ACTIVE |
Accelerating Women's Success and Mastery in CS (AWSM in CS) | University of Texas at Austin | 2018 | NSF | ACTIVE |
REU-RET Mega-Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates and Teachers in Smart and Connected Cities | Morgan State University | 2018 | NSF | ACTIVE |
A Scalable RPP for Preparing and Supporting Teachers to Teach Culturally Responsive and Rigorous CS Courses in SC High Schools | Clemson University | 2017 | NSF | ACTIVE |
You Science | Governor's Office of Student Achievement | 2015 | GOSA | ENDED |
Applies Learning Student Questionnaire (ALSQ) - Existing Grantees | Governor's Office of Student Achievement | 2015 | Governors Office of Student Acheivement | ENDED |
EarSketch: An Authentic, Studio-Based STEAM Approach to High School Computing Education | Georgia Institute of Technology | 2014 | NSF | ENDED |
Gwinnett Math Science Partnership | Gwinnett County Schools | 2014 | Georgia Dept of Ed | ENDED |
Liberty Math/Sci Partnership - Project RAMP (Raising Academic Measures of Progress) | Liberty County Schools | 2014 | Georgia DOEd | ENDED |
CS 10K: Collaborative Research: A Structured CS Principles Approach to Professional Development for Maryland High School Teachers | University of Maryland Baltimore County | 2014 | NSF | ENDED |
Macon County MSP | Macon County Public Schools | 2014 | Georgia DOEd | ENDED |
Student Applied Learning, New Teacher Induction and Staff Leadership Program - Great Teachers and Leaders | Clayton County Schools | 2013 | GOSA | ENDED |
Math and Science Endorsement Cohorts | Gwinnett County Schools | 2013 | Georgia DOEd | ENDED |
Peabody Teachers Collaborative on Global Change | Yale University | 2012 | IMLS | ENDED |
Yale-SEPA Climate Change and Patterns of Vector Borne Disease: Development of Translational Science Curricula | Yale University | 2011 | NIH | ENDED |
Computer Science for High School | UMass Lowell | 2011 | Google | ENDED |
Solar Cycle Investigations | Yale University | 2011 | NASA | ENDED |
IMLS National Leadership Grant: Peabody Fellows Event-Based Teacher Collaborative | Yale University | 2010 | IMLS | ENDED |
Connecticut Geology Investigations | Yale University | 2010 | NSF | ENDED |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Summer Teachers’ Workshop | Amherst College | 2010 | HHMI | ENDED |
Springfield Teaching American History Program 4 | Springfield Public Schools | 2008 | DOEd | ENDED |
RITES: Rhode Island Technology Enhanced Science Program | University of Rhode Island | 2008 | NSF | ENDED |
IPY STEM Polar Connections | UMass Amherst | 2007 | NSF | ENDED |
Northeastern University RET-PLUS (Partners Linking Urban Schools) | Northeastern University | 2007 | NSF | ENDED |
Northeastern University STEP-UP | Northeastern University | 2007 | NSF | ENDED |
Franklin County STEM Research Academies for Young Scientists | UMass Amherst | 2006 | NSF | ENDED |
Springfield Teaching American History Program 3 | Springfield Public Schools | 2006 | DOEd | ENDED |
The Impact of Teacher Participation in GIFT on Student Achievement | Gwinnett County Schools | 2005 | ENDED | |
STEM Alternative Certification for Teachers Conference (STEM ACT) | UMass Amherst | 2005 | NSF | ENDED |
Robert Moll Professional Development Grant | UMass Amherst | 2004 | ENDED | |
NCI: Cancer Education and Career Development Partnership | Hampton University | NIH | ENDED |
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