Undergraduate + Pathways
Equitable access to STEM pathways has been a core component of our work for almost 20 years. In 2004, we were part of an NIH-funded research project that allows us to do a deep dive into the factors associated with success of under-represented students in STEM at three institutions. This work helped us appreciate the inter-relationship and consequences of programmatic support mechanisms (i.e., pedagogy, academic support, experiential opportunities - particularly research, career guidance, advising, mentoring, and financial). This framework has become embedded in our evaluation and research work in support of over 60 projects at 25 institutions. Increasingly, this work has focused on broadening participation in Computer Science pathways, particularly through our association with ECEP and as leaders of RPPforCS.
HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: Western MA Engineering Pathways Program | Holyoke Community College | 2021 | National Science Foundation | Holyoke Community College, National Science Foundation, IUSE, 2122723 |
NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Engineering PLUS (Partnerships Launching Underrepresented Students) | Northeastern University | 2021 | National Science Foundation | Northeastern University, National Science Foundation, INCLUDES, 2119930 |
Catalyzing Transformative Change in STEM Education through an Institute for Inclusive Pedagogy | Massachusetts Bay Community College | 2021 | National Science Foundation | Massachusetts Bay Community College, National Science Foundation, IUSE, 2110684 |
Garden State LSAMP Bridges to the Doctorate at Rutgers University, Newark | Rutgers University | 2019 | NSF | Rutgers University, NSF, 1905142 |
Genentech Foundation Grant | San Francisco State University | 2019 | Genentech Foundation | San Francisco State University, Genentech Foundation |
Genentech Foundation Grant | San Francisco State University | 2019 | Genentech Foundation | San Francisco State University, Genentech Foundation |
Louis Stokes STEM Pathways and Research Alliance: Garden State LSAMP | Rutgers University | 2019 | NSF | Rutgers University, NSF, 1909824 |
Sustainable Pathways from Community College to Bachelor's Degree for Urban Youth in STEM, Northern New Jersey | Rutgers University | 2017 | NSF | Rutgers University, NSF, 1643516 |
Maximizing Access to Research Careers Undergraduate - Students Training in Academic Research (MARC U-STAR) | San Francisco State University | 2017 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, MARC, 2T34GM008574-21 |
Urban Massachusetts Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Program | UMass Boston | 2017 | NSF | UMass Boston, NSF, 1712771 |
GP: IMPACT: Interactive Simulations and Systems Thinking to Broaden Pathways into the Geosciences | UMass Lowell | 2017 | NSF | UMass Lowell, NSF, 1701062 |
Pathways from School to Work (PATHS): A Longitudinal Study of Undergraduate Engineering Students from College into the Workforce | Stanford University | 2016 | NSF | Stanford University, NSF, PATHS, 1636442 |
Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Post-Transfer Pathways Program for Computing and Engineering Majors | University of Maryland Baltimore County | 2016 | NSF | University of Maryland Baltimore County, NSF, 1626413 |
MARC Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research at Queens College | Queens College | 2014 | NIH | Queens College, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical and Behavioral Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 2T34GM070387-11 |
Garden State LSAMP Phase II | Rutgers University | 2014 | NSF | Rutgers University, NSF, 1400780 |
Targeted Infusion Project: Expanding Educational Cyber-Infrastructure at Delaware State University | Delaware State University | 2014 | NSF | Delaware State University, NSF, TIP, Biology, 4-yr Undergraduates, Curriculum development, 1434978 |
Hopps Defense Scholars Program Research Agenda | Morehouse College | 2014 | DOD | Morehouse College, DOD, Hopps, STEM, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, FA9550-09-1-0529 |
CCSF/SMCCD/SFSU Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program | San Francisco State University | 2014 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, 2R25GM050078-15 |
Atlanta University Center NIMH-COR HONORS Program | Morehouse College | 2013 | NIH | Morehouse College, NIH, NIMH, Psychology, Biomedical Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 5T34MH016573-35 |
Math and Science Endorsement Cohorts | Gwinnett County Schools | 2013 | Georgia DOEd | Gwinnett County Schools, Georgia DOEd, MSP, STEM, K-12 Teachers, Teacher PD |
Initiative For Maximizing Student Diversity at UMass Boston | UMass Boston | 2013 | NIH | UMass Boston, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 2R25GM076321-05A0 |
Catalyzing Transformative Change in the STEM Disciplines at Georgia State University | Georgia State University | 2013 | NSF | Georgia State University, NSF, WIDER, STEM, College Professors, Teacher PD, 1347609 |
Summer Research Program in Genomics | Broad Institute | 2013 | NIH | Broad Institute, NIH, NHGRI, Genomics, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD |
San Jose State University Undergraduate MBRS RISE Program | San Jose State University | 2012 | NIH | San Jose State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical and Behavioral Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 2R25GM071381-05 |
Georgia Perimeter College RoadMap | Georgia Perimeter College | 2012 | MetLife | Georgia Perimeter College, MetLife, STEM, 2-yr Undergraduates, Advising |
Amherst College Junior Summer Science Research Fellows Program | Amherst College | 2012 | HHMI | Amherst College, HHMI, Biology, 4-yr Undergraduates, Research experience |
Building Success: One Step at a Time | Georgia Perimeter College | 2012 | NSF | Georgia Perimeter College, NSF, STEP, STEM, 2-yr Undergraduates, College pathway, 1067896 |
San Francisco State University MARC U*STAR Program | San Francisco State University | 2012 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 2T34GM008574-16 |
Morehouse Howard Hughes Medical Institute Program | Morehouse College | 2012 | HHMI | Morehouse College, HHMI, STEM, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 52007552 |
Urban Massachusetts LSAMP II | UMass Boston | 2012 | NSF | UMass Boston, NSF, LSAMP, STEM, 2-yr Undergraduates, 4-yr Undergraduates, STEM Alliance, 1202510 |
San Francisco State University--MARC--U*STAR Program | San Francisco State University | 2012 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, 2T34GM008574-16 |
R25 IMSD Minority Biomedical Research Support Program (MBRS) | Rutgers University | 2011 | NIH | Rutgers University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical and Behavioral Fields, Graduate Students, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 1R25GM096161-01 |
San Francisco State University MBRS-RISE Program | San Francisco State University | 2011 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, MBRS-RISE, R25GM059298-14 |
Program Evaluation of NSF’s Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) Program | Abt Associates, Inc. | 2011 | NSF | Abt Associates, Inc., NSF, Prime Contract GS-10F-0086K |
San Francisco State University MBRS-RISE Program | San Francisco State University | 2011 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, Graduate Students, TWD, 2R25GM059298-13 |
STEP Center: EHR-ENG Innovation Center | Stanford University | 2011 | NSF | Stanford University, NSF, STEP, Entrepreneurship, 1125457 |
Bunker Hill CC / Roxbury CC / UMass Boston Bridges to the Baccalaureate | UMass Boston | 2010 | NIH | UMass Boston, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical fields, 2-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 5R25GM075306-06 |
BPC-DP: Spelbots: African American Women Showcasing Robotics and Computer Science to Underrepresented K-12 Students Nationally | Spelman College | 2010 | NSF | Spelman College, NSF, BPC, Computer Science, K-12 Students, 4-yr Undergraduates, Outreach, Afterschool programs, 1042454 |
BP-Endure-Atlanta: Engaging Undergraduates In Neuroscience Research | Georgia State University | 2010 | NIH | Georgia State University, NIH, ENDURE, Neuroscience, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 8R25NS080688-04 |
Scholars in STEM | San Jose State University | 2010 | NSF | San Jose State University, NSF, S-STEM, STEM, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD |
Bunker Hill CC--Roxbury CC--UMass Boston Bridges to the Baccalaureate | UMass Boston | 2010 | NIH | UMass Boston, NIH, 5R25GM075306-06 |
MARC Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research at Queens College | Queens College | 2009 | NIH | Queens College, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical and Behavioral Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, T34GM070387-06 |
Biodiversity Certification Models: A Partnership Approach to Strengthening U.S. Competitiveness, Internationalization of Curricula, and Sustaining Biodiversity | University of Rhode Island | 2009 | USDA | University of Rhode Island, USDA, NIFA, Biology, 4-yr Undergraduates, College Professors, TWD |
Pathways Through College | Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education | 2009 | Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education | Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education, Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education, High School, High school jrs and srs and college freshmen, K-16 pathway |
Biotechnology and Society: Biotech Scholars Program | Georgia State University | 2009 | HHMI | Georgia State University, HHMI, Biology, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD |
Initiative For Maximizing Student Diversity at UMass Boston | UMass Boston | 2008 | NIH | UMass Boston, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 1R25GM076321-01A1 |
BPC-AE: Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education Extension | UMass Amherst | 2008 | NSF | UMass Amherst, NSF, BPC, Computer Science, 2-yr Undergraduates, 4-yr Undergraduates, STEM Alliance, 0837739 |
Minority Student Pipeline MSP | University System of Maryland | 2008 | NSF | University System of Maryland, NSF, MSP, 0831970 |
San Jose State University Undergraduate MBRS RISE Program | San Jose State University | 2008 | NIH | San Jose State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical and Behavioral Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 1R25GM071381-01A2 |
Initiative For Maximizing Student Diversity at UMass Boston | UMass Boston | 2008 | NIH | UMass Boston, NIH, 2R25GM076321-05A1 |
Academic Roadmap: A Web-based Tool for Improving Student Access, Advising, and Retention | University of Rhode Island | 2007 | DOEd | University of Rhode Island, DOEd, FIPSE, STEM, 4-yr Undergraduates, High School Students, Advising |
San Francisco State University MARC U*STAR Program | San Francisco State University | 2007 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 2T34GM008574-11 |
San Jose State University MARC U*STAR Program | San Jose State University | 2007 | NIH | San Jose State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical and Behavioral Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 5T34GM008253-20 |
San Francisco State University MBRS-RISE Program | San Francisco State University | 2007 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, Graduate Students, TWD, 2R25GM059298-09 |
University of Hawai'i Manoa PBRC-MARC Program | University of Hawaii Manoa | 2007 | NIH | University of Hawaii Manoa, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Sciences, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 5T34GM007684-28 |
San Francisco State University PREP Project | San Francisco State University | 2006 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, Post-baccalaureates, TWD |
Urban Massachusetts LSAMP I | UMass Boston | 2006 | NSF | UMass Boston, NSF, LSAMP, STEM, 2-yr Undergraduates, 4-yr Undergraduates, STEM Alliance, 0603099 |
Bunker Hill CC / Roxbury CC / UMass Boston Bridges to the Baccalaureate | UMass Boston | 2006 | NIH | UMass Boston, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical fields, 2-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 1R25GM075306-01A1 |
San Jose State University MARC U*STAR Program | San Jose State University | 2005 | NIH | San Jose State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical and Behavioral Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 5T34GM008253-18 |
Pathways to Careers in Sciences: Academic Roadmaps | University of Rhode Island | 2005 | NSF | University of Rhode Island, NSF, CCLI, STEM, 4-yr Undergraduates, Advising, 0442888 |
Integrated Bioengineering Research, Education, and Outreach Opportunities for Females and Underrepresented Minorities | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | 2005 | NSF | Worcester Polytechnic Institute, NSF, EEC, Engineering, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 0452809 |
Project SUCCEED Title III Strengthening Institutions Proposal | San Jose State University | 2005 | DOEd | San Jose State University, DOEd, SIP, Business, Humanities, Social Science, STEM, 4-yr Undergraduates, Mentoring, Advising, PO31A140081 |
NIH MORE Research and Evaluation of Students Using Long-Term Studies | California State University | 2004 | NIH | California State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical fields, Research, 4-yr Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Research |
Northeast Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation | UMass Amherst | 2003 | NSF | UMass Amherst, NSF, LSAMP, STEM, 4-yr Undergraduates, STEM Alliance, 0115042 |
San Francisco State University PREP Project | San Francisco State University | 2002 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, Post-baccalaureates, TWD |
San Francisco State University MARC U*STAR Program | San Francisco State University | 2002 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, TWD, 5T34GM008574-07 |
San Francisco State University MBRS-RISE Program | San Francisco State University | 2002 | NIH | San Francisco State University, NIH, NIGMS, Biomedical Fields, 4-yr Undergraduates, Graduate Students, TWD, 5R25GM059298-04 |
NCI: Cancer Education and Career Development Partnership | Hampton University | NIH | Hampton University, NIH, NCI, Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences |